Shaw Brothers owns more than a dozen active pits and quarries in southern Maine, totaling more than 1,200 acres of DEP-permitted resources. We produce, use, sell, and deliver more than 20 types and sizes of aggregate throughout southern Maine. Products include unscreened and screened sand, private gravel to any MDOT material spec, and crushed stone from ½ inch to 8 foot stone. We also sell many recycled products including screened loam, erosion control material, and 3 sizes of reclaim made from crushed bituminous concrete, brick, concrete, and gravel.

Complete Pit Listing

With major gravel pits/quarries located in Gorham, Dayton, Windham, Westbrook, Standish, Freeport, and Wales, an numerous smaller locations around the state, Shaw Brothers can provide materials for its own jobs and for other contractors, developers, towns, and retail customers.


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  • - 10 miles or less $7.25 per ton or $8.25 per yard is added to the loaded price.
  • - 11 to 15 miles $8.75 per ton or $9.50 per yard is added to the loaded price.
  • - Deliveries beyond 15 miles call for pricing.
  • - Rates based on a minimum of 14 yards - call for pricing on smaller loads.
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we offer commercial paving services for roadways and parking lots.

Special request?

Have questions about materials or need a custom quote? Contact us.